This post will be a pictorial one on my trip to Desaru with B and 2 friends - PCY and Sebas.
B and I woke up at 5+ am to prepare and left house to meet them. PCY's dad is very nice to fetch us to the meeting point at People's Park Centre and fetch us home that day :)
Collage done by PCY
The travel agency told us to meet at 7am, however the tour bus only came at 8+am. We waited for sooo long! *complain complain*
When we reached the custom, jam!
So by the time we reached JB, it was 1+pm and we headed straight for lunch
See~ not following the itierary.
However, at the end of the day, we managed to cover everything stated in it and had fun :)
Lucky the weather is nice on that day :D *yeah*

Went to buy a bit of snacks home
Machu Temple and Herb farm was next in the list
Pictures using panorama in B's iphone 5
Head off to the ostrich farm
Younger ostrichs
Some of the bigger ones are roaming about
Many others!
Standing on ostrich eggs which will not break on sand
B touching the ostrich's head~ guai ostrich!
Did I really touch? hehe, the truth is I only put my hand near it's head :P
Ostrich food. B and I dared not try ostrich meat while PCY and Sebas shared a stick of ostrich satay
Next stop : Desaru Fruit Farm
We paid additional to go on tour on this lorry to the fruit farm and it comes with box of fruit at the end.
It's the main highlight where we had most fun.
There's a mini zoo in the farm
Hello! so cute~
Like a soft toy!
The goat behind goes~ a human voice!
Very nice scenery here
4 of us on the lorry
Went for dinner here.
The food taste much better than our lunch
B was so satisfied with it. haha :P
Off to see fireflies
Put on safety jackets and got onto the river boat
The fireflies twinkled in the trees like christmas tree lightings. The driver stopped the boat at one point out of the blue and used a torch light to shine at a monkey right at the top of a tree. a pro! It's very dark and by listening, he knew where the monkey was.
We bought sky lantern!
Wrote down our wishes
A guy lit it up and up up into the sky
That marks the end of the tour.
Back to Singapore at about 10+pm and PCY's dad drove us home :)
Had fun overall. Nice short getaway :D
Full version of photos are in FB.
You can also view PCY's blog at
Photos credit to B who can take nice pictures and I do not have to take any pictures when I'm out with him :D
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